A-149-4 Quad Random Voltage Source
Das Modul A-149-4 erzeugt vier getriggerte zufällige Steuerspannungen, die mit Hilfe verschiedener Bedienungselemente und den zugehörigen Steuerspannungseingängen nach bestimmten Kriterien ausgewählt werden können.
Manual controls and control voltage inputs for the criteria selection:
- Octave range (manual control "Oct." and control voltage input "O"): this parameter defines how many octaves are covered by the random voltages (0 ... 10 according to 0 ... +10V, with "Oct." control fully CCW and no external CV only 0V are generated)
- Grid (manual control "Grid" and control voltage input "G"): this parameter defines the grid of the random voltages:
- Octaves (Oct)
- Octaves + Quin (Quint)
- Chords
- Scale
- Semitones
- Quarter tones
- continuous (i.e. stepless)
- Minor / Major (toggle switch "Min/Maj" without center position and control voltage input "M"): this parameter defines in case of chords or scales if the are minor or major. For all other grids this parameter has no meaning
- Sixth / Seventh (toggle switch "+6/+7" with center position and control voltage input "67"): this parameter defines if the sixth or seventh is added. It is valid only if Oct, Quint, Chord or Scale is chosen as grid.
The output voltages follow the 1V/octave standard. The generation of a new random voltage at the output (CV Out 1...4) is triggered by the corresponding trigger input (Trig. In 1...4). The trigger inputs are normalled top down. The minimum trigger level is +2.5V (up to max. +12V).
The voltage range for the control voltage inputs O, G, M and 67 is 0...+5V. The voltage at the CV input is added to the voltage generated by the corresponding manual rotary control (Oct., Grid) or switch (Min/Maj, +6/+7). -
- Polyphone zufällige Strukuren (in Kombination mit den polyphonen Module A-111-4, A-105-4, A-132-8, A-141-4 und beispielsweise A-157 als Trigger-Quelle sowie A-173-1/2 zum Transponieren der polyphonen Strukturen)
- jede Anwendung, bei der mehrere Zufallsspannungen benötigt werden
- 4-faches digitales Pseudo-Rauschen bei höheren Triggerfrequenzen